Margate Town Investment Plan
Channelling investment into an evolving coastal town
The Margate Town Investment Plan provides a long-term plan to transform Margate and act as a catalyst for future investment. The plan was successful in securing £22.2m of interlinked investments through the government’s Town Deal. The bid was developed by We Made That and PRD, alongside Thanet District Council, the Town Team, the People’s Panel, stakeholders, local businesses and the community.
Margate’s Town Investment Plan comes at an important time in the town’s history, after many decades of endemic deprivation with sparks of regeneration, there is an opportunity for change. The Plan comes at the right juncture for Margate; the need still exists to ‘level up’ the economy with the rest of Kent, the South East and the UK, but there is potential to do this through market driven growth, strong civic participation and people power.

To shape the Town Investment Plan and project selection, an extensive engagement process was carried out by Pleydell Smithyman. People living, working and visiting Margate were asked about their priorities and vision for the town at a series of engagement events, through online surveys, questionnaires and workshops. An open call for project ideas resulted in nearly 90 submissions, each of which was carefully considered. A People’s Panel was also established to guide the onwards evolution of proposals.

Walpole Bay tidal pool. Photo: GRASS
The Plan:
- addresses fundamental challenges of health and wellbeing;
- supports a more diverse and resilient tourism market;
- enables the invigoration of Margate’s unique heritage assets; and
- binds this together with a focus on skills and addressing the long-term challenges which limit so many of the town’s citizens.
The Plan targets the above through four project interventions that address the challenges facing the town, and help to provide long-lasting benefits for local people and create a nationally significant visitor offer to support COVID-19 recovery. Investments are grouped under the headings of Scaling Margate’s Creative Production and Skills, Coastal Wellbeing, Public Realm and Connections and Supporting and Diversifying Heritage Assets.

Dreamland. Photo: Kim Frewin-Clarke
Project Details
- Client
- Thanet District Council
- Status
Completed 2020
- Team
PRD, We Made That, Playdell Smithyman