The Unlimited Edition: London, Aarhus, Liverpool
01 September 2021
The Unlimited Edition is a super-local newspaper exploring, celebrating and speculating about the future of particular places: Whitechapel and Bermondsey, London, Liverpool and Aarhus in Denmark.
Each issue is place-based, delving into key themes, which shape our cities including places of work, cultural spaces, food networks and development legacies. The paper invites guest writers, policy-makers, artists, architects and community members to contribute creative snapshots of each place.
The series began with Issues I, II, III and IV as a result of a commission from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, Heritage Lottery Fund and English Heritage to produce a series of speculative newspapers about High Street 2012, a key route through East London. The papers were distributed, for free, from dedicated news stands along the street. We Made That have continued The Unlimited Edition series 2016-2018 with issues in Bermondsey, Liverpool and Aarhus in Denmark.

Issues I-IV Aldgate, Whitechapel, Mile End and Stratford, 2011-12, featuring: Laura Oldfield Ford, Douglas Murphy, Bahbak Hashemi-Nezhad, Wouter Vanstiphout, David Knight, Oliver Wainwright, Tom Hunter, Sam Jacob, Torange Khonsari and more.

Issue V Bermondsey, 2016, featuring: Hilary Wainwright, Ben Rogers, Bompas & Parr, Owen Hatherley, Hawkins\Brown, Maccreanor Lavington, V22 and more.

Issue VI Aarhus, 2017, featuring: Gehl Architects, Institut for (X), Kaospilot, Stephen Willacy, Lacaton & Vassal, Aarhus School of Architecture, Martin Thim, Smag à la Gellerup and more.

Issue VII Liverpool, 2018, featuring: FACT, Liverpool Biennial, Granby 4 Streets, Ian Cobain, Claire McColgan, John Belchem, Homebaked, Static Gallery and more.
Graphic design: Andrew Osman, Stephen Osman, Stephen Barrett